Friday, February 7, 2020

WRF on the Mac!

WRF on the Mac, in as few steps as possible

  1. First, big props to the Catastrophe Science blog. It's a little outdated, but I can confirm that even with the newest packages, you can compile WRF itself.
    1. It's not mentioned in the blog, but you can use Homebrew. Especially if you are used to packages in Linux, it's quite handy.
    2. Specfically, I used Homebrew to use GRIB2. Most of the files are in GRIB2 anyways from the major models, so it's worth it.
  2. This will be updated, but here are the basic steps I did after the steps listed above:
    1. Get 0p25 GRIB2 from Nomads (I use GFS)
    2. Save to data folder
    3. Dynamically link the GRIBS
      1. ./link_grib.csh ~/model/Data/gfs*
    4. Adjust namelist.input to time range and domain
    5. Wipe any FILE or geo or met files
    6. Execute UNGRIB
      1. At this point you should have FILE files
    7. Execute GEOGRID
      1. At this point you should have a geo file
    8. Execute metgrid
      1. At this point you should have met files
    9. Move to run folder of WRF
    10. Make sure your namelist.input matches what you used in the WPS!
    11. Link the files done from metgrid (below is an example)
      1. ln -s ../../WPS-4.1/met_em.d01.2020-02-* .
    12. Execute real.exe in the directory
    13. Execuite wrf.exe
    14. Open in IDV