Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MLB.TV NexDef on Ubuntu/Linux 2012 (Updated!)!

Thanks to an intrepid commenter, mit55, here are the instructions for 2012! I can confirm these work, as I am currently watching Mariners/A's with NexDef.

The download link is: (As of 3/28/2012)

The following commands are how I did it:

1. Navigate to your Downloads folder.
2. Do the following commands; if you don't have the programs, install them.

dmg2img mlbnexdefinstall.dmg
sudo modprobe hfsplus
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop mlbnexdefinstall.img /mnt
cp /mnt/NexDef\ Plug-in.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz .
gzip -d Archive.pax.gz
pax -r < Archive.pax
cd Library/Application\ Support/NexDef/lib/
java -Xmx128m -jar ./nexdef.jar
It works for me, so I hope if works for you! I can try to help you if it doesn't work, but I am far from a Linux expert.

Good luck, and Go Cubs!
